When looking through the photos to find one of myslef, my mother and I came across a lot of hers from high school and other past memories. Besides the fact that it’s really cool to see images of the past maybe remember a time you once forgot about, it was also unique to see the different types of photos. One my mom showed me of her friends and her in highschool, the differencies between the photo was the size and though it was in color it had a brown tint. But the biggest differance was the the clothing and hair. It is really interesting to see a different time througout a photo, because all you have is what’s in the photo to base it of off. One can tell the pictures were taken from older cameras, for the most part it has a brown film over and some have a boarder, making me think they were taken by a polaroid.
Looking through my photos thier were a lot of myself, many when I was a baby I was eating. This one photo I was a bit older but I still have the same personality. The photos is not just of me but my sister and mom, all people who have influenced me then and now, it’s also taken around Chr-
istmas which is my favorite time of year. This is because everyone seems joyful, so happy, present in the picture. I’m also wearing a cute outfit so even from a young age I’ve enjoyed fashion. In the picture if we were to take another one this year everyone would look pretty similar, family photose are always hard to get right. The one aspect on my face I really see is me smiling and my dimples, that even now is visible.