Portrait #2 This is a fine art portrait of Nichole. For this photo I wanted to experiment something different then my first one and still focus on her face. I choose to show a difference between light and dark. I painted this photo black for two reasons. One, I like the way the lighting hits her face and I wanted to emphasize that and bring out the feeling in the picture. Secondly, because in her eyes we can see anger, envy even, and the black highlights that anger. I want the portrait to express helplessness, the idea that this person is very angry, yet she's stuck in time. When someones angry it's known you see red yet, what you actually feel is betrayed by someone. Usually the person feels cold, dark, mad, they don't see any positives. That feeling is usually dark and I choose to use black trying to represent that. We can see a big difference between her face and the background. I added some contrast to make that more definite and took the redness out of her cheeks to make her look angrier. I stood fairly close to the model getting her profile. I like how her collarbone looks and the way she expressed her emotion.