Ellie Pagnano
A voice that can barely speak
David Rosenberg
I am now old,
though that wasn’t always the case,
I have seen more than I should have,
And lived longer than many of my kind,
Some believe what I went through was a myth,
Though I would love to ask them how they would feel if their mother, brother, or father got Taken away,
If you never got to see them again,
How would you feel?
When the people that used to be your neighbors got thrown into gas chambers,
Other starved to death,
How would you feel if you got reduced down to numbers
Digits that cause you to be inferior; less than,
I have seen more death than I would like to admit,
And though these events happened long ago,
The memories are etched in my mind,
I wonder sometimes why me and not them,
Why was I spared out of the six million taken?
This world makes me sad, angry, upset,
Why so many people waste their lives when so many didn’t get the chance to lives thiers,
Through my eyes I cry for the ones that don’t believe,
Though I speak for the ones that do,
And I am a SURVIVOR.
I am a blanket of darkness,
I’m the whisper that sends chills up your spine,
The one so many are afraid of,
I am the cool, eerie feeling you get when you hear footsteps in your house late at night,
I am misunderstood,
To some I’m a celebration,
And to other the worst thing that their mind can imagine,
I’m the unfathomable,
The one thing people aren’t sure of,
I’m the question that people would love to answer,
As she is one of the last survivors,
Soon I will absorb her too,
No one knows me,
No one can see me,
And no one can even visualize me,
But the people who suffered the Holocaust can come pretty close,
Their experience people may say is worst than death,
Though I know similarly to Hitler people fear me,
Because I am the time bomb that will explode,
And no one knows when,
I am Death.
I am not old,
I have not lived through a Holocaust,
But I know those who have,
The event is not burned in my mind,
The numbers are not burned on my skin,
I see the blanket of darkness though,
We share that fate,
I know what’s it’s like to have the blanket absorb a soul,
To see the light fade out at the end of the tunnel,
While your hands begin to shake,
The feeling of loss consumes you,
The darkness eats you up inside,
Life is a constant struggle to survive,
Step by step she continues,
While in my own mind I’m drowning,
Struggling to come up for air,
To get out of the haze and find myself,
To know what I want to do in this life,
While she has no one left in hers,
A fight were battling,
As seconds tick by,
Time has separated us,
Left us on a street with no map,
And though we’re more common than not,
Our paths will never cross but they do merge,
Because she is a hero,
And soon,
Darkness will absorb us both.