Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Cyanotypes are of my favorite type of prints to do, there so easy and fun! Within in a day you can make a print come to life, while using a cool color scheme. One of the cyanotypes I've done that I took in the summer look like it was taken in the exact opposite season due to how it turned out.  The clouds are enhanced looking like a winter storm. Though I'm not the best painter I like the hands on experience you have with a photo from start to finish, even getting to paint what you want to show up.

Here are some cyanotypes that I really like:
Michael Wittig 
By Michael Wittig
Image result for famous cyanotypes
By Two Kitties (blog)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Japanese Stab Binding Books

 Throughout the last two classes we have learned different techniques and styles of making a Japanese Stab Binding Book. This being Japanese 4 hole binding, Noble binging, and Tortoise- Shell Binding. Though the earliest known book binding was “ Butterfly Binding” in China in 1000 C.E. “Bookbinding is the process of physically assembling a book from an ordered stack of paper sheets that are folded together into sections or sometimes left as a stack of individual sheets.” The stack is bound together along one edge by threads that can make numerous different desighns as wells as a colorful cover, typically. 

Here are some examples:
By Ffion

By Unknown

By Iveta Krajcirova