Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Photo that sets the Mood or Tone

I feel this image really captures the mood of the photo. It exaggerates the colors and makes them very prominent in the picture. The colors shift from cold to warm colors giving it an almost scary feeling. The photographer really enhanced the photo and darkened the roller coaster, making the subject stick out. Also, the colors on the roller coaster are complimented by being yellow and purple giving that part of the photo a calm feeling. I feel the photographer used this photo to set a mood of mystery and gave it an erie feeling.  I also really like how the roller coaster is illuminated by the sunset, and the roller coaster in the left bottom corner gives it a sense of depth. Overall I feel the photographer was trying to capture mystery and it feels like it was captured right before the drop making you have a feeling of anxiety.
Photo By Dave Wilson 

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