Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Balance and Contrast

Contrast in Texture
This is a picture  I took over the break is of a fire. It shows contrast in texture because of the difference between the wood and the flame.  I brightened the picture and deepened the orange/red to have more vibrance in the photo. 

Symmetry/ Radial Balance
This is a photo of an airplane motor. It shows radial balance as well as symmetry. The wing is a little blurry since it's moving around. I cropped the photo as well as changing the color.
Contrast In Scale
Though this picture isn't my best, I do really like it. This shows a dramatic contrast in scale. and the filter I choose is very evident I love how the leaves look. It reminds me of fall. I just feel like from this picture you can really tell what season it is. 

This photo I choose for being asymmetrical even though it is pretty symmetrical. If you cut this down the middle it isn't the exact same. I blurred the photo and made the top darker and the bottom lighter. The leafs in the background are white making it seem like it almost just snowed. I took this photo on the field trip and it really stuck out to me as being odd, I think that is why I really like it.

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