Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Natural Landscape

Beauty in nature to me, is when the view is breath taking without any filtering. A perfect landscape that fits miraculously together. A pretty photo that shows different natural aspects; for instance a tree, lake, blue sky, and in that the colors blend well and you can see the reflection in the water. Typically to me, if it's in nature there is no outside influence, or manmade structures. A couple pictures I believe exemplifies this is 

Federico Bottos

Robert Servais

I think typically when I go to the beach is when I find the most beauty in nature, I love the silence and how you can really hear the birds, or water crashing. I really enjoy walking and just seeing the long beach grass or having your feet in the sand, it's the perfect place to think. Also, near my house is a little lake and on sunny summer day you can see the reflection of the trees in the water which is always beautiful. I believe the best part when one is in nature is how small you seem in comparison to everything else and it seems as if your worries aren't as big. 

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